Job hopper or career strategist.
When I coach people, particularly those who have been made
redundant I find that attitudes towards finding a new job vary enormously, from
the ‘I’ll do anything that pays the
bills’ to ‘I am not prepared to take a step down in status or less money’. Some
want to get even further up the promotion ladder. Some may need the money but
their desire for status stops them considering anything less than their former
role. So some are hopping from job to job and some are planning what they do.
Is there a right or wrong approach?
As a coach I don’t judge.. people need to do what is right
for them, I am not in their shoes or living their life so who am I to judge
their needs and or wishes. What I do is try to help them unpick what is driving
those desires and whether they are genuine motivations or constructs that they
have adopted because they think that they ought to feel that way.
Fundamentally there are lots of trade offs in finding in a
new job: some people realise through coaching that actually they would be
happier in a more local job that paid less than their old one but which allowed
them to get home to read a story to the kids at bedtime. Can you put a price on
that? Others are driven by such a genuine desire to make a real contribution to improving the
lives of others that they are striving for maximum influence across maximum area.
In the post WW2 years Edgar Schien analysed what motivated
people at work – I find his research interesting as it was done on US
servicemen.. note the ‘men’.. he did not find that there was a group of people
who go to work for social reasons. Schien said that people were motivated by
the desire to:
Exercise Technical/Functional
expertise, to be seen and respected as an expert
Be a General
Manager– to run an organisation, to
synthesise the efforts of others
Have Autonomy/Independence
– to do their own thing and not have to answer to others
Have Security/Stability
– to have routine and predictability in life
Exercise Entrepreneurial
Creativity – to create something which will enable them to leave their mark
Provide Service/Dedication
to a Cause – to do good for others and improve their lot
Enjoy Pure
Challenge- to do anything that is new and exciting and demanding- and I
mean just keep doing new stuff!
Enjoy Lifestyle-
to have a job where the ability to balance life and work, to come home with
energy not exhaustion.
These are not exclusive, people will be driven by two or
maybe three. One woman I was coaching was very clearly motivated by the need to
exercise her technical knowledge, we spent about 4 months of procrastinating as
she tried to motivate herself to apply for jobs back in her former profession.
Was just not happening. She is now working part time as a lecturer and loving
Another coachee started off talking about status and money
and realised that actually he could do more good (Service) by being a service
manager and that he could do with less money than he thought for that sort of
More recently Chiumento
have come up with new research, done largely in the private sector: they
did not identify altruism as a driver!
Yet I find many of my clients are driven by that very desire. Chiumento
suggest that people are either:
Socialisers – working for the pleasure of the
social interaction and that good colleagues is a key satisfier.
Protectionists – who place more importance on
job security and a stable environment, routine and regularity.
Achievers who thrive on challenge and variety.
True Believers who have faith in what the organisation
does and delivers and gain their satisfaction from being part of that
enterprise (I think public sector altruism could fit here)
Materialists who seek material gain and reward.
So what is the difference between a job hopper and a career
It is not in what they do but in how they understand what it
is they want work to do for them, how they come to understand what work plays
in their life and choose their options in line with that understanding. They
make deliberate choices about which jobs they will apply for or accept because
they understand what they are doing. They understand what they want their lives
to be about and what role will play in that.
I have a questionnaire based on Schien to help you work out
what is driving your career; please get in touch or read my book for
more thought provoking and educative tips.