Thursday 23 August 2012

CV Keyword Savvy

When it comes to putting together your CV, you need  (as with all communication) to think about who will receive and read it. Of course in this day and  age the 'reader' may well be a machine!

When you send your Cv to an agency or potential employer, they will likely put it into a database (Applicant tracking system). If you are applying for a specific role they should look at it and screen it for suitability. Then it will sit in the data base... you need your name to come up the next time there is a similar role. Your name will come up if you have the right keywords.

You need to understand which keywords are most sought by people hiring for the positions you want, ensuring that your CV uses them effectively.Think as they would think. If you were looking for someone like you, how would you search. If you have had generic job titles then this is really important.(sales would not search on that too broad)  If you are trying to get back into something you worked in a awhile back, this is really important.(when did induction become  'onboarding')  If you are trying to change sectors (outturn and year end???)
Do think about the keywords and get found more easily.

Here are some tips to help you get started:
  • Make a list of keywords that commonly appear in adverts and job descriptions for the kinds of roles you are seeking. Look beyond only roles you are actively applying for – the aim is simply to gather relevant terms.

  • Look at the websites of companies and associations related to your target industry to identify other ‘buzzwords’.

  • Identify industry experts, via professional associations for example, and check out the language they use to represent themselves in online profiles.

  • Subscribe to industry publications and find relevant recent articles online to keep up to date with what that people are talking about in your sector.

  • Keep in mind that keywords can cover many areas such as position titles, industries, skills, name-brand companies, conferences, software, certifications and training, products, technologies and affiliations.
  • Make sure you use all the relevant synonyms, people in HR can also be in personnel or people management or talent management or human capital. Try to use each one once in your CV in case the searcher does not use the same one as you.
You obviously want your CV to stand out, but it's also important that it shows your reader how you fit in. Deploying the right keywords can allow you to do this, showing employers that you are speaking their language. 

For more tips and techniques get your FREE book  from and to understand more about my coaching products and services

Thanks to 'The Ladders' for additional info. 

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